My Vacation is Officially Over

Tomorrow I start another semester of classes for my Masters program and I go back to work. I have truly enjoyed my Winter Break from classes and my 5 day vacation from work. I wish it could be a few days longer, but back to my clients I shall go!

After this semester of classes I will only have 3 more semesters until I get my MA in ABA and one step closer to getting my BCBA certification! Which is something that I am looking forward to because that will help me come closer to my career goals.

I am a tad bit nervous about going back to work because I will have a new client. He seems like he will be a very enjoyable kid to work with. I love working with kids who have Autism and related disorders , it gives me a sense of accomplishment and makes me feel extremely good about myself knowing that I am helping a child and their family.

But I still have enjoyed my vacation a great deal and wish that it wasn’t ending !