What Would You Do With $10 Million?

So lately a lot of people have been talking about what they would do if given 10 million dollars. Most people just want to buy a lot of material things. Yet there are some that don’t. So when pondering this question it took me about a good 30 minutes to come up with just about everything I would do with that amount of money.

So first thing first, I would put $2 million in a trust for my daughter. I would build my dream home and get my dream car. I would invest in my jewelry business so that I could reach more people and make more money. I would start my nonprofit organizations: One would be for women and children who are victims of domestic violence, helping them get the resources they need and to stay safe, and rebuild their lives; The other would be for underprivileged boys and girls to help them with staying focused in school, getting into college, learning about credit, learning housekeeping skills, money management, and having good mentors to help them stay off the streets and incarcerated and on a productive path in life. I would put money in savings. I would also invest in a business or two. Lastly, I would start a clothing line for children.

That is what I would do with all that money. I would secure a good future for my daughter and myself. I would build a legacy for her to continue after I have passed away from this earth.

What would you do with $10 million?!

Nesting… In Full Effect!

So those of you who are parents or have been around a pregnant woman knows what nesting is. But for those of you who have no clue what I am talking about, nesting is a serious condition for most if not all pregnant women.

So my nesting phase is in full effect! I’ll be 33 weeks in a couple days and I have already had my baby shower on February 3rd. I have washed all her clothes hung them up or folded them and put them in drawers. I have re-organized my room to make room for her. Cleaned, dusted, swept, mopped and re-organized the bookshelf and medicine cabinet. The only thing I have left to do is have her father put up the baby bed and the bassinet. Clearly you can tell that I have NOCD (Nesting Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).

I didn’t realize that this was such a real thing until just now. I have such a strong urge to do nothing but clean and get stuff ready for my baby girl. It’s so bad that I would rather not go to work so that I can clean and get things organized. Ridiculous I know!

I officially can no longer make fun of pregnant women and the weird things that they do and eat. I have undoubtedly become one of those women! Nesting for me is just so relaxing and calming. And you know what, I wouldn’t change it for anything or anyone. Although being pregnant has been a huge adjustment for me, I am absolutely and unequivocally loving it!

Deliciousness In Every Bite!

So I love to eat food. All types of food. I love trying new foods too! I am the type of person that will try anything, at least once. How do you know whether you would like something or not if you never try it? Well thats how I think, others may not feel the same.

When I was in my undergrad years I had a friend that could cook Samosas very well and she made them all the time. Probably because she knew how much I loved to eat them! The other day I had a craving for some but did not know where to get them so I did a google search and found restaurants that served them but that was not what I was looking for. I wanted to find a store that made them fresh so that I could go and buy as many as I would like and I didn’t have to wait to order them. So with the help of google and my cunning ability to drive and search I came across an Indian grocery store on my way home from work. I initially passed it and I just had to make a u-turn into that parking lot. I pulled in the parking lot praying “Oh God, please let them sell fresh Samosas” and to my surprise they did. I felt like a kid in a candy store. I bought 3 and then went home.


Spicy Potatoes with Peas in a pastry. Delicious Indian food!

If you are wondering how long those 3 Samosas lasted me, let me tell you this it didn’t last long. I got home ate one and then the other and before I knew it I had eaten all 3! Me being the food lover that I am, I hoped in my car drove back to the store and bought 10 more. Thank God they were only 99 cents a piece. I just absolutely love the spicy potatoes and the peas. I swear I could eat these almost everyday. If you have never tried Samosas, I am here to tell you, they are delicious and you should try it at least once. If you are anything like me you will fall in love with them.

Happy Life

Pasted Graphic

Most people have this notion that they want a perfect life. But perfect is subjective and is different things to different people. When I think of the life that I want all I want is to be filled with happiness. I want to surround myself with people who make me happy and a career that makes me happy. I want to wake up and be happy with myself every day. I believe that happiness starts from within. How can you expect someone to make you happy and/or you make others happy if you cannot make yourself happy?

Just some current thoughts….

30 Day Challenge – Day 9

Day 9: Your last kiss

Holiday Kisses / 20091220.7D.01613.P1.L1.SQ.BW / SML

My last kiss was with my amazing boyfriend. I love kissing him. I could literally kiss him all day and all night. He has soft lips and his kisses just make me melt. When he kisses me I begin to feel butterflies in my stomach and my knees get a little weak. Not to sloppy and wet and not pecks on the lips. Its just the perfect kiss that I could ever imagine. His kisses are full of love and passion and I feel that every time he grabs the nape of my neck and kisses me. Not too soft and not too weak. Just the perfect balance from the man of my dreams! The thought of knowing that only I will kiss those lips from now until forever warms my heart. I how I love him so!

30 Day Challenge -Day 6

Day 6: The person you like and why you like them

Well, the person that I like is my boyfriend. We have been together for 8 months now and he is simply amazing. What I like the most about him is that he can be extremely caring and protective at times which is great! He is such a family oriented man and he makes me feel special and loved. He loves playing video games with me! He has a good sense of humor and we have fun together. He is really sweet and kind and sort of like a complete opposite of me in some ways. I am very outgoing, friendly and spontaneous and he is very quiet, stays to himself, and is a homebody. One thing I like about him being a little to himself and a homebody is that I don’t really have to worry too much about other females. Which is a plus for me, because I have dealt with a ton of infidelity in my past relationships. He is my dream man and I know that we will grow old together and raise a beautiful family one day!

My Dream Reader

Today’s assignment for Blogging 101: publish a post for your dream reader, and include a new-to-you element in it.

This is a very difficult assignment for me because I don’t just have one particular type of person that I would like to read my work. I want all types of people from artists, to business people, etc. to read my blog because I know that of all the things I write, there is something that everyone can relate to. I simply write poetry and the thoughts that I have on life and relationships and I strive for people to read it, like it, enjoy it and hopefully follow my blog.

30 Day Writing Challenge!!

So I came across this 30 day challenge that I am going to attempt starting tomorrow. One of my resolutions for this new year was to get back to blogging and writing on the regular, so I figure this would give me a fresh start. Feel free to join me in this challenge if you would like.


Scandal Episode 12: We Do Not Touch The First Ladies

So the beginning of this episode starts with Olivia and Fitz arguing about Jake and what is best for Olivia. That fight was literally jaw dropping. Anytime Olivia and Fitz argue it gets very heated. So there is this new guy Andrew Nichols and you can tell that Mellie and him have some type of past together, but we don’t know what kind just yet. Although it would be nice to know that Mellie actually stepped out on her relationship with Fitz. I know you’re probably thinking why I would say that. I said it because it would make Olivia and Fitz relationship not seem so bad being that she is his mistress and he is the president who is married with three children. So in last week’s episode Harrison was worried about someone who he found out was back in town. I’m wondering who this person is and why does he seem so nervous and worried. It turns out to be a woman and then he sleeps with her so I was completely shocked. So Jake is the new head of B6-13 and with all the files in the briefcase that was given to him, you can see that he was completely overwhelmed. In my opinion I think that Jake is in way over his head. I do not think that he was fully aware of all the responsibilities and everything that comes with being head of B6-13. Poor Sally keeps having flashbacks about killing her husband after finding out that he was into men. From her actions, you can tell that her killing and covering up her husbands murder is eating her alive. She keeps spacing out, not really focusing like she should. Later in the episode we get a glimpse of Mellie trying to overdose on pills after Fitz’s father raped her, unbeknownst to Fitz, before he got elected to President. We see that Andrew was the person who found her and helped her. Sometimes I feel sorry for Mellie and all that she has been through. She never revealed to anyone what Fitz’s father did to her, except for Andrew. David and James are teaming up together to take down Cyrus and to leak the information about what really happened to Sally’s husband. This really threw me because if Cyrus finds out what James is up, all hell is going to break loose. While Olivia and her dad have their customary dinner together they get into a little spat and Olivia decides to leave and she spots Quinn surveillancing her outside of the restaurant. So Olivia decides to hop in the car and try to convince Quinn to leave B6-13 and come back to work for her, but Quinn is still hurt and in pain from Huck torturing her. So she pulls a gun out on Olivia and tells her if she doesn’t get out the car she will shoot her, so Olivia leaves, and Quinn breaks down in tears. Quinn thinks she is so smart and ready to be apart of B6-13 but I don’t think she really, truly understands what she is getting into. Olivia finds out that the drug scandal that Andrew was apart of was really him covering for Mellie that night that she tried to kill herself. James and David meet on the street somewhere and they hatch the plan to give Vanessa the evidence of the cover up, but  when David is on his way there he gets kidnapped and stuffed in the trunk of the car. At the end of the episode you notice how Huck is trying to make things right with Olivia for what he did to Quinn even though he somewhat sort of blames Olivia. He told her that “You hold the leash”. Then Mellie and Andrew have a conversation and before you know it Mellie kisses him. Which is a shocker to me because she had just told Olivia that they are nothing alike and how she isn’t a cheater even though she had the opportunity before. But the shocker of this episode, which happens the last 40 seconds, is that Harrison’s ex is working with Olivia mother! Stay tuned for episode 13 on Thursday at 9/8c. Trust me you will not want to miss it. Links to clips from this episode are below and a sneak peak of episode 13.
Olivia and Fitz fight about Jake
Mellie Lets Go and Kisses Andrew
Mellie Tells Andrew Her Secret
Mellie Makes It Clear She Didn’t Cheat
Preview of Episode 13